It had been a few months since Tara had been promoted and now has a team to lead.
The company is going through a change. They had recently acquired some new business. The company is looking at their numbers very carefully and was considering weeding out redundant people, units and maybe departments.
Tara knew the work clearly cut out for her is to build a high-performing team. This will determine her success.
Her first task in her 90-day plan was to ensure her team delivered value to the business and remained relevant in supporting the achievement of the business (company) goals in building sustainable profitability.
The question was, ‘How could she help her team become better and as a cohesive unit?’
At the end of the day, her team’s success would be linked to how successful she was as a leader.
Like one of my favourite past bosses Zatur Hassim had consistently quoted
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress,
and working together is a success.”
– Henry Ford
Can you relate with Tara’s situation whether from personal experience, learning or observation?
Please feel free to drop in the comment as you anticipate my soon to be published book “Polished Gem”
Expect the pre-order link shortly